brood_year value component origin JPE_letter_date footnote references_contributors lower_95_CI upper_95_CI 1992 1092 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 1993-02-09 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 1993 271 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 1993-10-01 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 1994 129 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 1995-02-21 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 1995 1251 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 1995-10-20 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 1996 611 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 1997-02-10 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 1997 480 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 1998-04-27 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 1998 1682 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 1999-02-26 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 1999 1072 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2000-01-01 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2000 1059 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2001-01-29 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2001 7572 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2002-02-22 1/ Based on DFG carcass survey (Jolly-Seber model), includes hatchery and grilse CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2002 7337 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2003-02-19 1/ 2002 CDFG Carcass Survey (Jolly-Seber) Estimate from 1/24/03, includes hatchery returns and grilse. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2003 NA Total Sacramento River escapement Natural NA NA NA NA NA 2004 8635 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2005-02-08 NA CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2005 15730 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2006-02-10 1/ 2005 carcass survey estimate (Jolly-Seber) from DFG letter, 1/13/06, includes both wild and hatchery origin. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2006 17205 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2007-02-15 1/ 2006 carcass survey (DFG letter dated 12/7/06), Jolly-Seber est. includes both wild and hatchery origin. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2007 NA Total Sacramento River escapement Natural NA NA NA NA NA 2008 2850 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2009-01-12 1/ Based on DFG official estimate, letter to NMFS received 11/25/08, includes hatchery broodstock. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2009 4537 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2010-02-24 1/ Based on DFG letter dated 1/14/10, includes hatchery broodstock. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2010 1533 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2011-01-12 1/ Based on DFG letter to Rod McInnis 12/08/10, in-river spawners minus hatchery broodstock. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2011 824 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2012-01-26 1/ total in-river escapement using Jolly-Seber model, includes fish taken for hatchery broodstock (738 +86 =824) from DFG letter 12/6/11. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2012 2581 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2013-01-31 1/ Total in-river escapement (90% CI) using modified Cormack Jolly-Seber (CJS) model, includes 803 hatchery fish from CDFW letter 1/4/13, but does not include 93 removed for LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2013 5958 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2014-02-21 1/ Total in-river escapement from Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model (90% CI), includes natural and hatchery origin, but not 117 collected at Keswick trap for LSNFH (CDFW letter 1/7/14). CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2014 2627 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2015-01-16 1/ Total in-river escapement from Cormack-Jolly Seber (CIS) model includes natural and hatchery origin CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2015 3182 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2016-01-28 1/ Total in-river escapement from Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural and hatchery origin, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2016 1409 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2017-02-03 1/ Total in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural and hatchery origin, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2017 795 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2018-01-08 1/ Total in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural and hatchery origin, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2018 2458 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2019-02-01 1/ Total in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural and hatchery origin, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2019 7852 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2020-01-23 1/ Total in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural and hatchery origin, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2020 6195 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2021-01-15 1/ Total Sacramento River in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural and hatchery origin, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2021 9956 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2022-01-14 1/ Total Sacramento River in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural- and hatchery-origin winter-run Chinook Salmon, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2022 5443 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2023-01-13 1/ Total Sacramento River in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural- and hatchery-origin winter-run Chinook Salmon, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA 2023 1920 Total Sacramento River escapement Natural 2024-01-12 1/ Total Sacramento River in-river escapement from CDFW Cormack-Jolly Seber (CJS) model includes natural- and hatchery-origin winter-run Chinook Salmon, but not hatchery fish retained for brood stock at LSNFH. CDFW, USFWS NA NA