Adult Anadromous Fish Radiotelemetry Project (1996-2004)

NOAA College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho US Army Corps of Engineers
AAFRP Project Description Data Description Glossary Maps & Publications Contact


  | A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | RST | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 


approach: Detection of a fish near the base of a dam; records are 'coded' for the first and any subsequent approaches to a dam. Efficiencies are not calculated for approaches as they are not associated with a specific route at the dam.


channel: set frequency of radio signal emitted by a transmitter; portion of data used to identify individual tagged fish.

code: digital pattern of signal emission that uniquely identifies a transmitter within a given Channel or radio frequency; necessary to identify individual radiotagged fish.

corr: A label assigned to an individual record - used to summarize the movements/behaviors of tagged fish (for example, the last record in the ladder at a dam = LT). Records with corrs are termed "coded" records. See the data description for more info and fish records for specific examples.


efficiency: the number of unique fish performing an action divided by the number having the chance to perform that action. Efficiencies are defined separately for each action and are provided on each web page where efficiency values are reported.

entrance: a location in a dam structure where there is access to the fish ladder system for migrating adult salmonids. Fish entrances are noted and tallied at entrances with receivers.

event: one of the following actions: approach, entrance, exit, fallback, or passage.

exit: the action of a fish leaving a fishway through a downstream path after it has entered a dam fishway; denoted with a corr beginning with either 'X' or 'UX'.


fallback: an event in which a fish is detected at a location downstream of a dam after having been above that dam. These are determined either by records showing the fish's actual passage route back over a dam, or assumed when a fish is recorded downstream of a dam after it has originally passed. Fallbacks are one source of delay in a fish's migration, or can occur if a fish overshot its natal stream.

fishway: a specifically named passage route (i.e. ladder) at a dam (varies for each structure).

forebay: the upstream area immediately adjacent to a dam structure.


natal stream: the waterway in which an anadromous fish was spawned and to which it returns to reproduce.


PIT-tag ID: a unique code associated with an individual PIT-tagged fish.

passage: the act of traversing a dam as part of the upstream spawning migration. Passage times are calculated based on the time of a fish's first approach to a dam and the last detection of that fish at the top of a fish ladder.

power: signal strength; power can be influenced by distance from the reciever, battery strength, and other environmental noise.


radiotelemetry: a powerful technology used to monitor animal movements. It utilizes tags that transmit a radio signal which is picked up by stationary or mobile receivers. Data indicate a unique code to identify individuals as well as a time stamp.

river kilometer (rkm): distance upstream from the system's river mouth. For this project, rkm is measured from the mouth of the Columbia River and indicates where a signal was recorded or a receiver located.

route: the fishways and passages by which a fish navigates a dam; often based on/named for the side of the river on which a receiver resides.


site: location of a radiotelemetry receiver, either aerial or underwater, for tracking fish locations; see maps for location of receivers.

species code: a number in the database assigned to quickly identify each species or run under investigation (see species code table for full information).

study year: the annual tagging period defined for this project, generally beginning in mid-April of a given calendar year (for specific dates refer to the study year table).


tag ID: a random number assigned to radiotagged fish for unique identification of that fish and its associated records in the database.

tailrace: a fast-moving area of the river from the base of a dam downstream to where the water flow is no longer imminently affected by spill at the dam.

transition pool: a section of dam fishways that begins at the convergence of collection channels into a single ladder area or at the entrance if there is only one collection channel, and terminates at a variable point determined by the lowermost emerged weir in the ladder proper.


weir: a concrete structure placed in fish ladders to regulate and direct water flow.

  | A | B | C | D | EF | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | RST | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 

AAFRP Project Description Data Description Glossary Maps & Publications Contact

The Adult Anadromous Fish Radiotelemetry Project was originally hosted by the NWFSC, NOAA (1996-2007). It is currently hosted by Columbia River DART (Data Access in Real Time), Columbia Basin Research, School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. All Data Queries presented on this web site are designed and implemented by DART.

last modified 12/27/2004